13285197872  zb_1234@163.com



Writer: admin Time:2021-02-09 15:14 Browse:



ZEISS VoluMax CT 系统是专为快速检测大量工件的应用需求而设计的。蔡司可根据不同的测量需求来定制相应的机型及软件。ZEISS VoluMax 可配置手动或自动上下料装置。

Upgrade to productivity

ZEISS VoluMax F1500 thunder

Detect defects reliably inside components without having to sacrifice maximum throughput? This is possible with the ZEISS VoluMax F1500 thunder computer tomograph, which is the first of its kind to be fully integrated into the production line, allowing the fastest 100% inspection.


ZEISS 在线 CT 扫描机可在生产过程中 100% 检验已加工的塑料部件和轻量化金属组件–即使在恶劣的生产环境中也是如此。该 CT 扫描机会自动输出测量结果是否合格,进而挑出异常的工件。进行 CT 连续检测过程中,系统可以捕获及储存大量不同的产品特征
许多塑料、金属和复合材料组件的 CT 检验项目已采用 ZEISS VoluMax 系统,例如:ZEISS VoluMax CT 扫描机已用于检验塑料部件的尺寸稳定性、检查汽缸盖内是否有空腔或型砂残留,并也已用于检验安全气囊是否正确安装。ZEISS VoluMax CT 解决方案也适用于 100% 在线检验和随机样本的在线大量检测。

Analysis of a medical housing made of metal for cavities light metal zadd

Advanced software solutions for fully automated testing in the line

With ZEISS software, you can use the ZEISS VoluMax CT systems efficiently and exploit their full potential. The ZEISS Automated Defect Detection (ZADD) software uses the CAD model to automatically detect, localize, classify and evaluate whether there are any defects within your components that will impair their quality after processing. Defective components are automatically sorted out to save the costs of unnecessary further processing. The ZEISS PiWeb data management software recognizes repeated occurrence of defects, which allows early intervention in the casting process and thus reduces scrap and costs.


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